Saturday, December 5, 2009


I finally found the right mood to blog. The beautiful thing about it is that I'm procrastinating now. Instead of revising for my Systems Development Techniques test, I've been trying to edit XML files for my warlock. Oh well.

The past two weeks have been pretty intense. Jeremy and I were the emcees/host/whatever for the IT Security Awareness Day. Alot of effort had to be put in to get a working script to the exacting standards of our lecturers. After that followed the grilling. Thank god its over. Hopefully the next time I get to emcee, I'll start work on it very much earlier and schedule many more rehearsals so that it would be more fluid. ITSA day was overall a success. Sadly one of the speakers I was looking forward to listening to got caught at the airport and was unable to attend. Hi ho hum.

Yesterday was the deadline for the Perl assignment. True to what Mr Wong said, majority of our class started working on it 1 week beforehand. A small minority started 3 days before. I hope everyone managed to submit on time. The first assignment for any language is always a challenge. Once you have internalized the basic syntax and the control structures, it becomes so much easier. Think Java 1 to Java 2. The first assignment was easy yet we took ages to complete it. While I know that hindsight is 20/20 but our second assignment in Java 2 proved *much* easier since we understood the basic concepts and were able to apply the advanced ones to a certain extent. I hope that this proves the same for C later in the semester.

After playing a few AB games to "destress" after the perl submission, I started researching into our ethical hacking(ETH) assignment. The first few tasks are pretty easy to execute but task 5 is the killer. Thankfully after much google ninjitsu, I managed to find an acceptable solution. I doubt it would be possible to work in a real world situation but for the lab its just fine. Further research into writing meterpreter scripts would come in handy.

I've come to the conclusion that I don't like people having holidays which start just when I'm supposed to take exams. The feeling sucks when people call you out and you can't go because you need to revise. Oh well. Don't worry best friend, after this week I have 3 whole weeks to while away. I'm sure I would be able to schedule you into it :P

Well thanks for reading. Writing this was cathartic - I've got so many things to say but so little time to share.

Monday, November 23, 2009


"I got bored. I blogged".

Thats how this blog got started up. I'm kinda sick of WP and since I'm with Google for everything else, its not much of a stretch to move over. There are so many things going on now - ITSA Day, Ethical Hacking Special Interest Group, AISP Student Chapter, Perl assignment, Applied Cryptography reading. In addition to all of that - I'm raiding again. I think I've gotten the hang of managing my time during the week but weekends are still slouchfests in my chair - mindlessly marinating. I suppose that I really should get off my ass and go outside but ... Yeah, you know the feeling.

Alright, I've really got to pay attention to WEBS but the lecture is really boring. I prefer doing the tutorials and practicals. I'll just share this lovely XKCD cartoon. This is for anyone who had to read Cryptography specs.