Monday, November 23, 2009


"I got bored. I blogged".

Thats how this blog got started up. I'm kinda sick of WP and since I'm with Google for everything else, its not much of a stretch to move over. There are so many things going on now - ITSA Day, Ethical Hacking Special Interest Group, AISP Student Chapter, Perl assignment, Applied Cryptography reading. In addition to all of that - I'm raiding again. I think I've gotten the hang of managing my time during the week but weekends are still slouchfests in my chair - mindlessly marinating. I suppose that I really should get off my ass and go outside but ... Yeah, you know the feeling.

Alright, I've really got to pay attention to WEBS but the lecture is really boring. I prefer doing the tutorials and practicals. I'll just share this lovely XKCD cartoon. This is for anyone who had to read Cryptography specs.